Activation Ideas

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Daily twist

In 2012, Oreo turned 100. When you reach a milestone like that, it's hard to avoid looking, well, old. Rather than look back in nostalgia, Oreo wanted a campaign that showed them as a brand very much with the times, living firmly in the 21st century. We gave them the Daily Twist. 100 ads created in 100 days, a 100% responsive campaign reflecting news, current affairs and trends through the lens of an Oreo cookie. Every morning we searched for what people were talking about, and looked at it through the eyes of this playful cookie. A concept was developed and rushed into a production team waiting to execute. By 6PM we pushed the day's Twist out to Oreo's 30 million Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter followers, and archived it on Oreo's online hub. Our first Twist marking gay pride month quickly became the most talked about ad Oreo has ever done. With coverage from Time Magazine, NBC News, Jimmy Kimmel and The Colbert Report, Oreo's Facebook fan growth doubled, Tumblr conversation went up 18x and "Rainbow Oreo" entered the common language. Further Twists covered the iPhone launch, Julia Child's 100th birthday, the rise of Gangnam Style and the landing of the Mars Rover. News coverage continued in Forbes, Mashable, Fast Company and the Harvard Business Review. We commissioned a Hall of Fame comic artist to create our Comic-Con Twist, collaborated with Elvis Presley's estate for a Twist marking the anniversary of his passing and crushed, cut, carved, threw and ate over 1,000 Oreos. The campaign has been covered in over 2,500 news stories with 231,000,000 earned media impressions. Facebook Shares went up 280%, retweets by 515%. The campaign has already been dissected by industry analysts and academics, described by The Atlantic as possibly "the next Google Doodle". All without missing a day.

100 days, 100 ads, 100% responsive campaign for Oreo’s 100th anniversary. I don’t think any of the print ads are exceptional on their own but the effort behind and the consumer/media engagement are truly notable. An example of how to turn the most modest traditional media idea into something worth looking forward to.

UPDATE: Oreo Daily Twist won one of the two Cyber Lions Grands Prix at Cannes 2013.