The Best Excuse Ever

Cerveza Norte, from Argentina, took an approach full of contrasts with ‘The Best Excuse Ever’ campaign. Not that men need any excuse to go out and drink beer, but their girlfriends probably do.
Instead of the conventional advertising campaign, Cerveza Norte offered to make one minute of good deeds for each cap of beer opened.
More than 50,000 beers were purchased and caps were received, while the same amount of minutes was spent to repair schools, improve parks, restore monuments, plant trees and clean up lakes.
They also claim that the significant others became more permissive in allowing guys to go out, after seeing the tangible benefits for the community.
Similar in tone to Andes Teletransporter and Andes Friend Recovery, not surprising as it was done by the same agency: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi. It won Gold at the Clio Awards for Integrated Advertising.

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